Conference Program/会议日程

Tentative Conference Program (Pending)/日程概要



Please arrange your schedule as per below brief program. The detailed arrangement will be updated in July, 2025.


August 15, 2025

10:00am – 05:00pm Registration (作者前往报道并领取相关会议资料)

(Day 1): The first day is all about registration, participants are supposed to sign in at the conference venue and collect all the conference materials at the registration counter on this day from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. However, the registration is still open on the 2nd day of the conference within the same time.


August 16, 2025
09:00am – 09:10am Opening Remarks by Honorary Chair or Conference Chair (院领导致辞)

09:10am – 09:50am Keynote Speech (特邀专家报告)

09:50am – 10:30am Keynote Speech (特邀专家报告)

10:30am – 10:50am Group Photo & Morning Coffee Break (集体照/茶歇)

10:50am – 11:30am Keynote Speech (特邀专家报告)

11:30am – 12:10am Keynote Speech (特邀专家报告)

12:10am – 13:30am Lunch  (午餐)
13:30pm – 15:30pm Parallel Sessions  (分会报告)
15:30pm – 16:00pm Evening Tea Break (下午茶歇)
04:00pm – 06:30pm Parallel Sessions (分会报告)

(Day 2): The conference chair will be hosting a opening ceremony around 9:00 am in the morning, and all the participants are supposed to be there, then the keynote speakers will deliver their spectacular speeches and share their cutting-edge research fruits with the participants. During the intermission, there will be a photo session for all the participants to take a group photo. Participants' presentations are divided into different sessions based on the conference topics, participants should find the right session room and be there at least 15 minutes earier to copy his ppt/pdf presentation into the laptop and get ready. Then the session chair will start the session on time, and give a grade to each presentation, which should be within 15 minutes, including Q&A. At the end of each session, the best presentations will be announced and the certificates will be awarded.


August 17, 2025

09:00am – 17:00pm One Day Tour


*Badge Policy!! Access to all ICCIA activities will be allowed only to people wearing ICCIA 2025 badges. Our policy is not to reprint badges or replace lost badges. If you lose your badge, you will be able to purchase a new registration at the current on-site rates. Considering the personal and property security of all ICCIA attendees, please keep track of your badge and make sure you bring it each day, and do not borrow to any others or take others into conference area. If you don’t need the badge any more, please return it back to our registration desk.